Elite Licenser

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Elite Licenser website logo
Elite licenser website its a simple green glass for moving animation
Elite licenser website its a simple green ball for moving animation


Elite licenser website its a simple green 3d element for rounding animation

Frequently Ask Questions?

All the answers below are for our clients who want to know better about Elite Licenser

Do I need to create license code manually for Envato Purchase code?

No, you doesn’t need to create license code manually for envato product. Buyer can use purchase code of envato.

How hard is it to code to be licensed?

It is very simple, the license manager plugin will generate sample full code. If you generate code for WordPress then you will get full plugin or theme. That can be install directly. You just need to add your code into that sample code.

Can I use it as in WooCommerce for digital product licensing?

Yes, It has an addon for WooCommerce product licensing. Customer will get a license key after completing their order.

It has a easy configuration panel to do it easily. Check our demo.

It has a easy configuration panel to do it easily. Check our demo.

Does this license manager support PHP scripts app fully?

Yes, it generate sample code for your php application, where all actions example will be given. And you can simply follow those code into your application.

Does this license manager also support C# & VB .net scripts app fully?

Yes, it generate sample code for your C# or VB.net application, where all actions example will be given. And you can simply follow those code into your application.

How my WordPress product will get update?

You product will get update as like WordPress.org plugin or theme.

You need to add an update info into this license manager plugin then your product will get auto update as like other plugins.

Can we build own styles for License submit form?

Yes, you can easily customize.

Can i share the docs from here with others?

Obviously, you can. We will appreciate you.