This module control’s your app’s request. If this list empties then your app will check the license each time and that will create a lot of pressure on your server.
Basically one of the reasons to give this module is to protect your server from extra pressure.
Add New Request: #

First, put your request duration(it can be hour, day, week, or year), and then counter, hit the save button.
When a license will called first time then the license key’s status will be change to free to Active.

In the image, we have 2 request settings. One is Duration 1 Hour for Counter 5 and another one is for Duration 1 Day and the counter is 7 times.
That means your license will be checked by your server every 1 hour and it will continue 5 times, when the counter is end then it will search the second setting for manage request. And the 2nd setting is 1 Day 7 times, which means the license will be checked by your server every day and it will continue 7 times.
If the server can’t find any more settings after the last settings, the server will continue to work according to its previous settings.
If the user deactivates his license key and then reactivates it, the whole process will restart.